Sunday, March 06, 2005

Fun With Google Ads!

This post is slightly off-topic from my normal entries, but, if you'll humor me for this brief installment, I'd like to experiment a bit.

The Google ads to your right -- or left if you view your monitor turned around and looking through a mirror -- are supposed to directly reflect the content of the blog. Friday, the post mentioned garbage bags, and then garbage bag-related ads appeared shortly thereafter. On Wednesday, I mentioned Chintatown, and then my screen turned into a purse.

Anyway, you get the idea. So, this post is all about generating the most ridiculously bizarre Google advertisments we can. Excited? I know. I am, too.

Let's begin...

Robot Fellatio*
Pirate Soul Train*
Monkey Butter*
Flux Capacitor*
Chocolate Breast Explosion*
Cannibal Cookies*
Martha Stewart*
Leather & Chains*
Buggy Whip*
Menstrual Kamikaze*
Tofu Orbit*
Goat Jesus*
Assassin Module*
Vermicious Knid*
Kitty Death Squad*
Puppet Penis*
Talcum Poop*
Puppy Death March*
Steel Booger*
Santa Sandwich*
Gazpacho Ninja*
Angry Fetus**

And now, we wait.

*Also excellent potential band names.

**But, obviously, not Angry Fetus. Come on, Angry Fetus? Get fucking serious. Clearly, you've never been in a band before. At least not one with an awesome name.


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Ken said...

They probably filter out all the really nasty things. Haha this could be funny.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger jomama said...

You're a very funny dude.


At 10:18 PM, Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

Angry Fetus makes me think of the Christmas tree I had last year. We stole a lame tree off a golf course, put the thing up, and it was too weak to support a damned ornament. So, being crafty, ingenius people, we clipped a bunch of coat-hangers and reinforced the branches. We then dubbed it "The Morgentaler."

Clearly entirely unrelated to your post, but I'm waxing nostalgic. Deal with it.

In the meantime, "Puppet Penis" deserves a viagra link--the last thing you need is a tool with an affinity for "Hide and go Seek". Chocolate Breast Explosion sounds like a good Saturday night in, if you like that kind of thing. "Robot Fellatio" sounds like oral sex after seven years of marriage.

There's some potential with those names. (Lets hope "Monkey Butter" doesn't become a name brand anytime soon, though. Talk about incentive for going vegetarian, eh?)


At 7:29 AM, Blogger Fist said...

I did a similar thing once with this list:

The adverts that came up were about how to advertise on google.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Brendan said...

So, apparently this didn't go according to plan. The only ad I saw that remotely was simlilar was somewhat related to the Gazpacho Ninja one, however, it was clearly only using the word Ninja.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger James and Jacob's Mommy said...

I googled "poop" and the ad that came up said "Brand new and used. No bidding. Buy it at eBay!"

So I guess that means you can buy poop. Who knew.

At 6:27 PM, Blogger GiraffeCougarSparrow said...

Ha! Well I tried with Angelina Jolie skimpy dress ... didn't work. Tried Paul Walker skimpy tight shorts ... didn't work. **Sniffle** You entries are awesome. Hope you're having fun ... down here in the Deep South, we get A LOT of those people who stand up and start preaching in the public places, only they get real aggressive. We're talking pointing at random girls and calling them abortionists, saying rappers are all going to hell, saying Catholics will burn, pointing at any guy who is wearing a tank top and calling him a perverted homo and generally insulting everybody. Yeah ... it's fun down here. :) J

At 6:28 PM, Blogger GiraffeCougarSparrow said...

Ha! Well I tried with Angelina Jolie skimpy dress ... didn't work. Tried Paul Walker skimpy tight shorts ... didn't work. **Sniffle** You entries are awesome. Hope you're having fun ... down here in the Deep South, we get A LOT of those people who stand up and start preaching in the public places, only they get real aggressive. We're talking pointing at random girls and calling them abortionists, saying rappers are all going to hell, saying Catholics will burn, pointing at any guy who is wearing a tank top and calling him a perverted homo and generally insulting everybody. Yeah ... it's fun down here. :) J

At 6:29 PM, Blogger GiraffeCougarSparrow said...

crap ... I see I got published twice. Sorry. I can you like to check others out - Im at
But otherwise, I'll be back in any case. Keep writing.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger TheMalau said...

Well it might not have worked as planned, but you may be on to something. Maybe if you could refune some of the elements. But then again, Google only accepts ads from certain types of sites...

At 11:47 PM, Blogger RTD2 said...

YOu arE FaNtasTIc!
I wish I could write like u, live in NY like u, work for Comedy Central like u :) Do u get to meet Jon Stewart, if u inherit his unusable jokes?!

At 11:48 PM, Blogger RTD2 said...

YOu arE FaNtasTIc!
I wish I could write like u, live in NY like u, work for Comedy Central like u :) Do u get to meet Jon Stewart, if u inherit his unusable jokes?!

At 1:12 AM, Blogger rasterboy said...

haha that's hilarious..saw your blog on "blogs of note" and i'm glad i stopped by.

At 1:53 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Actually Vermicious Knid is a real band from Southwestern Ontario.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Nicole Leonard said...

Hey, man...You're pretty funny. :o)

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Scully said...

Great! I looked in today (GMT) and when I looked now the ads had severely changed their attitude to terrorism and Israel (?).
Funny experiment. Take care!

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Jaime Fitzgerald said...

Great Experiment...I will be checking back often to see what develops. Thanks for something fascinating.

I'm researching the recent phenomenon of Pet you have any opinions about it? The good news is, my google ads are pretty consistent ;-)

At 10:43 PM, Blogger PureViLmay said...

you are soooo funny!
i just love reading your blog!

At 4:56 AM, Blogger feng said...

The ad I saw on this post was some Save the Dolphin thing.. Think Google has thought of this before..

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, doubt you'd backtrack and read this comment, but for the benefit of those who will - the google ad on this page read: Support NCP (?) Help the disabled.




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